New sweaters because it’s fall weather, people. I imparted sweater wisdom on Elsie at her birthday this weekend:
“You’re not going to want to wash that too often. Sweaters don’t like to be washed.”
She solemnly took that in, like I was imparting a family secret that she would carry with her forever. Now two days later, I feel a little wave of guilt, because she is so damn dutiful. The rule follower you want on your team unless you’re me, and incapable of following rules. Then good luck being her mother. But my question: Does the child need more baggage? About sweater care?
Violet and I have been enjoying a good design catalogue when our (mostly mine) brains can't take anything else. Violet shows me a chair we could take with us to the beach. It’s a very nice chair. A thousand dollars nice and not at all beach appropriate, but we postulate possibly good for Grandma’s back.
“Problem chair problematic solved!” Violet says.
This is a new stage where she puts phrases together, trying on big words that she’s heard. I love it. Different from the charming stage of “salt and vigenar chips” and “maked” instead of “naked,” but just as perfectly non-sensical.
If you need a book rec: Lost Children Archive by Valeria Luiselli is interesting—about a couple doing a road trip from New York to Arizona with their two small kids. The narrator/protagonist is trying to steer the family toward the US-Mexican border so she can record the experience of migrant children trying to cross the border. The story is powerful, but also told in small readable and poetic chunks.
Finished The White Lotus. I would like to declare that sometimes I start and finish a series. Not often. But sometimes I do. I had to watch the last few minutes in two minute increments because I was feeling that much for the concierge. Next up, I am excited to watch Scenes From a Marriage, the remake of Ingmar Bergman’s original miniseries. I’m making the most of my Crave subscription as you can see. Tell me what you’re watching in the comments section, please. I would take a rec from any of you very seriously. Like Elsie serious.
Also, Roshel K. is the winner of the podcast review challenge! Woop! Thanks to all who participated. Please listen to our 4th episode of Sister On! which comes out tomorrow. Simon thinks it’s the episode. And if you know someone who might like this newsletter, please share! A recommendation from a friend makes all the difference.
Problematic solved!! Love this ♥️