My mother puzzling. I tell her to write instead, and she says, “Rebecca, I’m tired.” The woman wants to puzzle. And with that I bring you the first photo in my series: Women Doing What They Want.
I am also watching Nine Perfect Strangers. In bed. Under the covers—not because it’s racy, but because it’s doing what I want and that. . .is kind of racy for some of us. It’s one of those fun ensemble shows where nine rich strangers show up to Masha’s healing retreat (Masha is played by Nicole Kidman) with their diverse traumas. A group therapy show with a wacky leader is actually one of the first shows I wrote and a concept that remains interesting to me.
Elsie, Violet and I are still committed to watching the American cult classic (so says Wikipedia) Gilmore Girls to the end—which means we have an activity until June. (Elsie did the math on 7 seasons x 22 episodes.) Every episode there are few things one of us will yell out:
Lorelai talks a big game about those burgers but never takes a bite!
Wow, we’re so glad that we don’t have a mean grandma like Emily in our lives!
Awww, Luke! (Just that.)
Yes, you always speak in exclamation marks when you’re referencing this show.
The Rural Life by Verlyn Klinkenborg. I mentioned his excellent book on writing here. He also eloquently writes about rural living—fields, trees, light— things I want to be able to write about too, especially now that I have a farm to describe! Dialogue comes easily and I’m needing to work on other parts of my craft. 2022 will be for descriptions of light and trying to describe the smell of my cat’s fur.
Also, some interesting food for thought on another Substack: We all contain multitudes. This is a freeing concept. We are more than one thing, including that fault about yourself that you find particularly galling. Some of my multitudes: savvy business woman, distracted artist, radical vulnerability-we-must-have-a-big-conversation-now-seeker, worry mommy, cat lady…what are yours???
And finally, this helpful Rumi quotation which someone in my social media circles posted (was it you?):
Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?
Snow gear, of course. (Simon is very excited about the length of this shadow.)
But starting next week I’m back to making outfits, even if I just wear them to my desk. Imagine the fun things I might write wearing lavender with extra large buttons. My characters will thank me. Violet will be my assistant, and she will have the final say.
This week on Sister On! we interview TEDx speaker and Forbes endorsed mental health advocate Johnny Crowder, who has built a whole system around reframing negative thinking.
Love the snow gear and long shadow! The vista reminds me of the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia—also very cold!!
Coincidentally, I just wrote about a movie that is reminiscent of "a group therapy show with a wacky leader". The movie is a documentary about an unconventional Buddhist monk who tries to help people who are suicidal by having group sessions, including some drama/acting exercises. But the monk himself needs counsel since he hasn't really gotten over the trauma of losing people to suicide when he was young.