Part 1 of "Things I've Lost" can be found here.
My dignity. It happens when my daughter stares at me with a certain expression.
“What?” I say.
“When you yawned a bit of saliva stretched the length of your whole mouth.”
I think to myself, all those new parents out there with their cute babies have no idea what’s coming. How is that fair? Except why should they have to know? Are we to blame for not knowing what’s coming?
My keys. Always my keys. I never know where my keys are. I wander through the house yelling for them while everyone watches.
“Keys? Keys?”
Leaves on my dragon tree. I dumped water in the pot instead of carrying my plant upstairs and watering it in the bathtub like a baby. So it revolted.
“You think we can rush me? I will now shed 5 leaves.”
My grandma. Over a decade ago. I accompanied Simon to Taylor Somers in the Cloverdale strip mall to buy a suit. We went there because my dad goes there and my grandma went there before him. The owner Claudio talked to me about my grandma’s excellent taste. He says she would always say, “Claudio, bring me something nice.”
He said I looked like her. He gave us ten percent off in memory of my grandma. I gave him a hug at the end and I wished we lived in a society where we could all have good cry about how we missed Grandma Grace instead of hiding our watery eyes.
My mind when I hid my Twix wrappers under the carpet.
**Please add something you’ve lost in the comments. You might feel lighter.
My mind! But that’s another story. I miss your grandma (and Grandpa) so much and you look more like her all the time. Makes me smile.
My glasses…found under the stove…at mom/dad’s!! What?!